Step 3—CHOOSE Quality Care

How to spot quality treatment

Treatment for alcohol use disorder (AUD) comes in many forms. How can you recognize quality care? Look for the five signs listed below.


There are no guarantees, but providers with all of these signs are more likely to offer treatment based on the latest scientific research. This can increase your odds of success.

You will ask about these signs of quality in the 10 questions for providers [PDF - 128 KB ]in Step 2, along with other important questions. Be sure to see “Why you should ask” each question and “What to listen for” in the answers.

How to decide which option is best

If you’ve done Steps 1 and 2, it’s time to put all the pieces together to select an option that is the best fit for your situation.

A “best option” may jump out, and if so, your work is easy. But if instead you have several good choices, the Choices Chart in the toolkit can help you compare them. Fill it in with details from your interviews with providers. The “Signs of Quality Care” columns will help you see stronger options at a glance.

If you have been unable to find quality treatment near you, be sure to see the FAQ on More Search Options and Strategies—If Needed.

Selecting an alcohol treatment provider is like making any other health care decision. Keep in mind the signs of quality and the information you gathered and use your own best judgment.